Hang on Green
Nice to meet you. We are a group of beautiful, green hanging plants, and we are made for you. We green up your house and office with love, and make your living environment more beautiful and healthier. We differ in shape and colour variations, but share a number of attractive characteristics. We are made for each other and for you.
- We are easy going. We feel at home anywhere. On a table, on top of a cabinet, on the wall, on the windowsill, or high up in the air. Alone or together.
- We are happy and atmospheric. Wherever we stand or hang, we will shine for you, all our lives.
- We are trendy, hip, and young. We fit into any outer pot and any interior. Whatever creation you plant us in, we will look fantastic in it.
- We are not demanding. We are content with a bright place, a daily wink, a weekly splash of water, and the occasional feed.
- We are healthy. We purify the air you breathe and contribute to a good humidity, simply by being who we are.
- We are purely natural and original. We come from all over, but we are sustainably rooted in a single Dutch nursery.
- We are involved. By adopting us, you contribute to the protection of the rainforests.